This research is based on a pragmatic case study of therapeutic sessions using Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) with a mother who has experienced multiple and complex trauma. The therapist is an experienced play therapist and accredited TRE practitioner. It is an exploratory, retrospective study of an eight month therapeutic process and considers whether there is a reduction in the level of hyperarousal experienced by the mother as well as any changes in her self-perceived connection to self and others, including her children. Other themes emerging through the process are also explored. The data for this study includes the clinical notes and clinical assessment
1. Impact of Event Scale Revised questionnaires (IES-R) 2. Body-Outline Diagrams (designed by researcher) 3. A Series of Spectrograms using miniature objects 4. Ending Evaluation Questionnaire The data demonstrates a clear reduction in the level of hyperarousal experienced by the mother, significant improvement in her sense of self and her connections with others. This study indicates that TRE within a 1:1 therapeutic process can be effective in helping recovery from multiple and complex trauma, and makes recommendations for further research and