The aim and purpose of this study is to explore the insights, perceptions and experiences of play therapists working with child witnesses of domestic abuse. Recognition of the impact on children who live with domestic abuse is an important area of concern since it is well acknowledged that it has a long term and damaging effect on children, which may well continue to affect them well into adulthood.
Participants were asked to complete a two part questionnaire the data from which was used to collect both qualitative and quantitative details. The data was analysed and merged to provide multiple perspectives and understanding of the study
(Creswell, 2015).
Results from Part 1 of the questionnaire showed that participants rated themselves highly in their knowledge and awareness of safeguarding procedures concerning domestic abuse. Several themes were revealed in part 2 of the questionnaire.
Participants were of the opinion that long term therapy is necessary and beneficial to child witnesses of domestic abuse. They also maintained that domestic abuse is rarely a reason for a child being referred for therapy. Instead children are more likely to be referred due to behavioural issues. Results demonstrated that play therapists have a significant part to play in helping children who have witnessed domestic