The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has agreed to step down but that is no reason whatsoever for the vital and historic reform of the 1983 Mental Health Act to be delayed or abandoned. Indeed it should and must be a top priority for a new Prime Minister and Government.
This Early Day Motion tabled by Tony Lloyd MP states that despite the many good things in the intended Reform Bill, measures for children and young people who are in desperate need of essential preventative and early intervention care is not just there. Play Therapy UK (PTUK) now call upon MPs from all parties to back this Motion and press for amendments to the current Bill to allow for it – or to campaign with us for a radical ‘Stand Alone’ Bill to place children and young people at the heart of new mental health legislation.
Today, we need everyone who works with children in a therapeutic capacity or cares for them in a domestic sense, to contact their local MP and ask them to sign the Motion.’
Help the Child Mental Health Charter to help children today.